Smiles From the Heart - South Florida

“Smiles From the Heart” Free Dental Day

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Sharing Our Passion for Helping Others

Smile Design Dental is proud to serve the people of south Florida. Our team is forever grateful for the opportunity to practice what we love. Each day, we strive to make a difference in our patients’ lives by sharing our passion and joy. And because we believe everyone deserves to smile, we’re also active in the community.

Smiles From the Heart

Our philosophy extends beyond our day-to-day interactions to reach patients we might not see otherwise. We host a “Smiles From the Heart” Free Dental Day each year, to help local residents get the treatments they need. If you or someone you know needs access to dental care, follow us on social media for updates about this year’s event, or feel free to contact us for more information. On Free Dental Day, people in need can receive a free exam, plus they can choose one of the following dental services:
Kid with red hair sitting in dental chair learning about dental tools

Caring for Smiles of the Future

Our dentists are devoted to treating children in underserved communities. We have provided our services and other resources free of charge through local and international dental charities. We believe that education is the foundation for developing good oral health. To help children learn the importance of good oral hygiene, our practice implements educational programs and gets involved with local outreach sources.
University lecture

Sharing Our Passion for Dentistry

We love to share our knowledge and passion for dentistry, so another rewarding experience for our dentists has been to mentor new dental talent at local universities and in our five offices. At Smile Design Dental, we know that working with a new generation of dentists allows us to grow and learn, as well.
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Access to High-End Dental Care

We focus on making our services accessible to as many people as possible, not just an exclusive group. We accept Medicare for children and offer flexible financing options to make high-quality dental care affordable for the community. We also offer discounted dental services, including:
At Smile Design Dental, we value our relationships, which are the cornerstone of everything we do. Visit one of our offices to witness our commitment to the community in action. Our team will go above and beyond to ensure you leave with a brighter smile!
Patient Story

Experience genuine dental care.

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